French Crepes

Processed with VSCOcam with p5 presetDuring my short stay in Paris, one of my top to do things was to try a French Crepe. All I can say was it was so delicious! The best part about it was that we had our first French crepes from a local stand in front of the Eiffel Tour at 11 pm at night and were able to see the Tour sparkle! It was an amazing experience, one I will definitely not forget. Once I came home I wanted to try to make the crepes just as I had in Paris. For my birthday my husband bought me Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I found the perfect recipe for the crepes! It was so soft and yummy. Being Romanian, we have our own version of crepes called Cletite, which have similar texture as the french ones but still quite different. I highly recommend this recipe for all those who love crepes and want to impress your dinner guest!

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